Find the right insurance services and benefits for you!
A tough decision made easy.

Choosing the right kind of health insurance is a big decision. Many factors will go into your evaluation, such as cost, network of doctors, hospitals, and location. There’s also the matter of choosing the plan benefits, along with the steppingstones of new regulations, technology, and solutions.
How do you find what you need, give everyone what they need, and still have your choices be cost-effective and easy to handle? Auerbach & Gussin is here to help with the following services:
We have the solutions you’re looking for
As business owners and individual health consumers ourselves, Auerbach & Gussin understands the challenges you face. As health insurance agents, we are here to answer any questions you have. We know how important it is to understand and plan how everything will work from beginning to end.
To attract and hire the right people, you want to have the most attractive benefits plans. Solving the needs of employees, when each employee requires something different, can be a challenge, so structuring the right kind of plan is important. Auerbach & Gussin works with you to structure the benefits plan that will be best for your employees and your business. Let’s work through this together.
Finding the right health insurance in today’s marketplace can seem impossible. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who buy their own individual health or family insurance, we can help you sort through the confusing array of options and choose the right plan to fit you or your family. Have questions and just want to figure out how to get started on this search? Reach out to us! There are no additional fees to work with A&G.
As you approach age 65, it’s time to think about Medicare options. We know it can be confusing! There’s Medicare Part A (hospital insurance), Medicare Part B, (medical insurance), Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage), and Medicare supplemental plans. Do you wonder: What are all the different types of coverage? Who pays for it? How do I access it? Talk to us. We’ll clear it up.

Get started with A&G
Work with us in just three steps.
When you make a big financial commitment, you have to have a plan in place. The same goes with your health insurance—you want a plan in place before you agree to any commitment and a plan in place after the plan is in place. You want a clear understanding of how it will all work from beginning to end. Let us be your guide.